15 Years of Gede

Fet Gede Ceremony altar
So we had a great Fet Gede this past weekend, it was mystical, magical and connected I was also blessed to have tons of family and friends that came from all over the globe to participate with us.
Before the ceremony, I had a realization.
This Fet Gede is the 15th Year that I have held and hosted a Gede Ceremony …..
And it’s been an awesome ride. When I first started doing the Gede Ceremony in 2002 it was held in an 8×10 bedroom with just a little more than a dozen people.
The ceremonial table was on top of a small cabinet, not much bigger than a dinner tray.
And here it is 15 years later and now Papa Gede is served at a whole new level.
I am grateful, honored and thankful to Papa Gede for allowing me and choosing me to serve and work with him helping people every year.
We had various Lwa and Misterios grace the ceremony with their presence, so it was quite the active ceremony.
Papa Legba showed up and opened the gates. He gave messages and healing to various people in the crowd.
Belie Belcan, San Miguel, Leader of the celestial Militia, arrived powerfully. Clearing the space and destroying any negativity in the space.
The party got blazing when it was time to honor Candelo and the Fire Division. We got a nice fire going and the dance was on at full throttle. In fact, we burned up two bottles of rum and 2 of Florida water.
Metresili gave deep messages, getting to the heart of issues that various people were facing. A sense of peace and coolness surrounded her like a soft mist.
She was followed by Mambo Dayila who gave out luck, blessings and advice.
Anaisa Pye came to the ceremony. She revealed many truths and illuminated the space with her joy. Effortlessly, she gave unraveled things for people, and gave them the prescriptions to help them.
Ogou Balendyo elevated the force of the party when he arrived. He cut away at the issues that were holding people down.
Baron de Cementerio! He came to the ceremony and everyone got a chance to let go of the dead weight, negativity and obstacles blocking their paths.
St Martha, Santa Marta slithered into the space, dominating evil and giving strength. She consulted many people telling them how to go about resolving the problems they faced. She aligned people on their paths. Showing them where the pitfalls were.
Of course, the guest of honor, Papa Gede arrived with his usual comedic flair. After some time with the people and enjoying his altar, he went to consult in the badji.
He worked his magic in the badji too. Preparing for our Pay Dirt Participants. Along with his magical preparations, he left me with a special Ritual that directed immense amounts of power to the Magic.
At some point, he prepared a special protection bath for all those present. This bath is special as it gives protection from police, while traveling, and from falls.
Once the last of the Black Division Spirits were gone, we closed the ceremony.
Then, we passed out the food and enjoyed each other company before ending the night. Lots of people brought great food, so everyone got a smorgasbord of tasty treats. I want to thank everyone who helped and assisted in this ceremony.
This week, Of course, I finished the Pay Dirt Magic Ritual as per Gede’s instructions. Of those who participated two people have already reported results:
B got a promotion after years of unsuccessfully trying. This was a big promotion actually and a major financial leap. He practically doubled his income. How it happened is quite abnormal. Testifying to Spirits capacity to make things happen even when it looks like there isn’t a way.
Sita won over $3000 on a scratch off! Gede is known to give out gambling luck and she was blessed with it.
Another person who was at the ceremony reported that Gede saved her from having a horrible accident.
So, I’m wrapping up things to go into these magical packages which I’ll be sending this week.
Happy Fet Gede and in case we don’t get to connect again before it comes, Happy Thanksgiving.
Keep the Faith
Papa Hector
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