St. Clare of AssisiSt. Claire/ Clare  — Santa Clara

St. Claire of Assisi is a powerful Saint and can often be found being honored in many homes, temples, private and public Altars.   St. Claire helps us to bring more clarity into our lives and get a better sense of direction as to what we should be doing.   St. Claire is a powerful Ally of a very high and pure order.

St. Claire is a generous and wise Spirit.  She freely seeks to help those who are ailing, especially those who are having difficulties and cannot seem to find a solution.  With her monstrance, she guides and directs the Divine Light of God and shines it on our Spiritual paths so that we may awaken our consciousnesses and live to our fullest potential.   That light also gives us the knowledge and awareness of what our path is and where it is taking us.

  St. Claire also assists people in understanding their pains, trials, tribulations and sufferings.  Helping people to learn from them, to accept what cannot be changed and learn how to change what can be changed.  She helps to give strength to those who are suffering so that they may bear their suffering with the utmost dignity.

So today, on the Feast Day of St. Claire, remember her and honor her whichever way you best know how.


Papa Hector Salva