4 Common Plants to Attract Luck, Keep You Protected, Clear, and bring prosperity

They’re easy to keep growing too… well for the most part at least.


Every plant has magical and spiritual uses. Each one is connected to a Lwa or number of Lwa that it is sacred to.

“The magic is in the leaves” one of my mentors taught me . . .

In fact, Leaves, Trees, Plants are a common theme in Vodou Songs and Vodou Language . . . and a cemtral, integral and important ingridient in most vodou spells, ceremonies, magic and ritual.

Earth and nature really supplies and supports what you need for a real relationship with the Divine and powerful magic.

While we do use quite a number of herbs and plants that are not native to the US and are not easily found, we also use many of the “common” plants found in many households.

Most if not all of these plants can be attained all over the world.

1. Aloe.

This plant has many uses in homeopathic remedies and other self care. It is a very popular plant for good reason. It is very easy to keep alive and doesn’t require much.

Aside from what you know, spiritually this plant is used to:

Absorbtion of Negativity
Attract Prosperity
Bring Peace and Understanding
Tranquilize a Situation

Best Locations for this Plant:

Near the Front Door
In the Living Room (or wherever you entertain the most)

2. Cactus

Cacti are some of the easiest plants to keep, even if you don’t have a green thumb. They don’t require a lot of care and maintenance.

Spiritually this plant is great for:

“Keeping What’s Really Needed”- Keeping Resources in the Home

Best Places to Keep:

Near Front and Back Doors
Near front windows

3. Basil

Basil is used for so many things in spiritual work. It is used to bless and consecrate sacred items, create sacred washes, and bring good fortune.

This plant requires a bit more love and attention.

She is often referred to as Queen of the Herbs.

Spiritually this plant:

Luck and Good Fortune
Abundance and Wealth
Love & Romance

Best Places to Keep


4. Rose of Jericho

Now, the Rose of Jericho is not necessarily the easiest plant to find. However, it is well worth the search.

It is a miraculous plant that upon being submerged in water comes back to life.

It can be attained on Amazon.com, in most botanicas, and I’m sure online in many other places.

Spiritually this plant:

Peace in the Home
Prosperity and Abundance
Attracts Good Luck
Dispels negativity
Useful in magic

Best Places to Keep

Near the Front Door
On an Altar
Living Room

If you want to learn how to use these plants and prepare them spiritually for success, I am holding a Special Class this Month to teach you exactly that.

4 Magical Plants Master Class
Jan 12th 2018  at 11am EST Live.

During this class, we will cover:

The 4 plants mentioned above and How You Can Use Them to:

Create Peace and Harmony in the Home

How to Create a Barrier of Protection around Your Home

Make Sacred Water that Attracts Good Luck, Abundance and Prosperity

Create a Spiritual Sponge which absorbs negativity from your Environment

and more . . . .

If you’ve ever wanted to tap into simple yet powerful natural Caribbean magic, then this class is for you.

Only $129
Get Your Spot Now

Can’t attend live? No problem. Class will be Recorded. Even if you can’t attend live, you will be able to listen to your class anytime after.