1-844-672-2727 help@mysticalwork.com

Working Spiritually and Helping People is one of the most beautiful components of our Spiritual Work.    When it is done well, both parties benefit from the beauty of the work.  The Spiritual Worker progresses by helping and the person receiving finds resolution.

However, like most things, there is another side to it . . . . when ill prepared there lie many dangers in the Spiritual Work.

Worse yet,  many, either choose to or are encouraged to take on the Spiritual Work before they are ready and that can lead to many many complications.   Especially in the life of the person “doing the helping”

I recently had a number of clients experiencing this very issue . . . . let me Share with You the Story of Cecilia, who has agreed to let me tell her story

Cecilia grew up around Espiritismo.  She went to Veladas, Misas and Readings growing up.  During her youth, some of her abilities became awakened.  But she never really pursued them.  

Until just a few years ago, when she felt the Spiritual Calling stronger than ever.  At that same time, an opportunity presented itself.  Another Medium she had met, who was no longer functioning, wanted Cecilia to start running a Center.  

Of course, this Opportunity also built up Cecilia’s Ego and Confidence.  As well as the Medium.  So although she knew she didn’t have training, and she was really just starting to deal with her Spiritual Gifts, she took the opportunity. 

Well, without real training, she did the best she knew how.  And it was working for her, she was having Misa and people were getting messages by her.  She was feeling good.  A group was forming.

Eventually she started cleansing people and adding that to her work, based on what she knew and could gather.  People started asking her for more personal help, and she began to provide that.  Again, based on knowledge she had read, gathered, learned online, in books, through experience, etc.   She was making money, she was feeling good, things were okay, people were pleased. 

As this progressed, little by little, her life was falling apart.  She wasn’t paying attention of course.  And people who were making money with her, and she as well, were pushing for more.  

But as she wasn’t paying attention, her children were getting ill over and over again.  They started having all sorts of behavioral issues at school.  Her husband was growing more and more distant.  He was “working more”

In reality, he was cheating with not one but several women.   Little did she know, a separation was on it’s way. 

She herself was falling ill more and more, started suffering from anxiety and depression.  She couldn’t figure out what was wrong.  She knew something was wrong, or off, but of course couldn’t put her finger on it. 

She came to find out about her husband and shortly after, he left her . . . for one of her “good friends”.  He went from being a stellar dad, supportive and loving husband to a cruel, absent Father and man.   

That’s when finally she came to see me . . . . 

After all this damage, you can only imagine the time it took to clean things up . . . . . 

Cecilia no longer offers Spiritual Work.  Realizing what she has done, she is waiting to get everything back in order in order to start properly training with me to use her gifts safely and beneficially.  


This is something that I’ve seen hundreds of times in the Spiritual Path.  It is something that can be avoided, however, often isn’t.

Here are Just 4 of the Most Common Issues  I’ve seen happen:


1. Transferring the Negativity onto the “Spiritual Worker”   

This is one of the most common things that occurs.  As a result the person then starts to experience issues, often similar to those he or she was treating for others.

This also has levels to it.  Depending on the negativity transferred it can be quite dire . . . it can range from as little as negative energy to as large as Causas and Negative Spirits.


2.  Illness and Accidents Unexpectedly

This may happen to the Worker or to those who live or are constantly around the worker.  Often this will occur in a series, followed by some relief, followed by another string of bad luck.  Often times, when the person goes to check the “Why?” of these occurrences, it is “untraceable”  as it is a result of many diverse energies that the Spiritual Worker has failed to deal with in helping others.


3.  Becoming Open to Spiritual Attack

For the untrained Spiritual Worker, he or she will often end up being “left open” for attack from other individuals and enemies.


4.  Chaos and Discord at Work and at Home

Discord and Chaos in the family, in the workplace and with random people.  Weird events become common.

This will often lead to fights, problems and issues in relationships, families and marriages.  Separation, Divorce, and other issues are common as well.

So What Is the Solution:

There is only one Real Solution to the Problem:

Stop doing Spiritual Work for others until you are right again.  Get the proper Spiritual Training and Education to help others.  

A Spiritual Worker is a Doctor of the Spirit.  Do the Work to Get the Right to Call Yourself and Be a Doctor of Someone’s Spirit.

What to do if you are dealing with this Right Now:

Consult a qualified, professional Trained Spiritual Worker.  Unfortunately these are few and far between.

Once in contact, get the Proper guidance to get Your Life Right and then to Train to do the Spiritual Work.

If you would like to Consult with me, Click Here to Book

If you would like to Develop your Spiritual Gifts, Click Here

Hope this Helps,

Keep the Faith,

Papa Hector
