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Why Spiritual Cleansing is Important . ..
Well lets speak about the effects of negative energy:

Blockages in your love life
Fight and arguments with people you love
Issues with people for no reason
Blockages in your finances and to reaching your goals
General negative interactions with people
It attracts more negativity and negative energy
It attracts negative Spirits which brings in a whole ‘nother level of problems
It drags you down
It causes “mysterious” illness and pain
It causes energy drain and fatigue
Also problems with sleep and rest . . . .
And the list goes on
Need I say more?

People have been asking me to offer such a class at large, so I finally am. Spiritual Cleansing Basics.
Hope to see you there,

But I have more info coming at you in the near future,

Until then
Keep the faith,

Papa Hector

