JULY 25TH, 2015 @ 3PM

This year is no different, just as every other year, we are excited to announce and give the annual Anaisa Ceremony in honor of the Special Mystery of Love, Joy, Gold and Seduction!  For those of you who don’t already know, Anaisa is the Patroness of our Temple and we all owe her so much!  She is known for her swiftness in assisting those who are devoted to her and her children, for her extremely powerful psychic abilities, and naturally for her powers to induce love and seduce!

As we do every year, we will also be honoring her best friend, Saint Martha the Dominatrix.  She who helps us dominate lovers as well as enemies, friends and foes, alike, this powerful Mystery is well known all over the world for her miracles and her powers.

If you would like to attend the ceremony, we are located in Berlin, NJ.  Please contact us at help@greatestspells.com  and Soley, my Godson, can give you the details.  Please be aware, we are limited to the number of people that can attend due to space constraints.  Also be aware that there will be a required donation to attend, which will go towards covering the costs of the ceremony.

Many ask me how they can be a part of the ceremony even if they can not attend.  We are always happy to make offerings and give gifts to the Lwa on your behalf.  You make a donation and we can do that for you.  You can make a donation  here:


If you owe an offering or gift to either of these two beautiful spirits, now is the time to make sure you have paid off your debts with them.    Ensure that they are willing to help you and work with you in the future.

Lastly, many individuals often ask — Papa, I can’t afford your help, how can I get help from the Spirits still? . . . Here is your answer and solution.  Make an offering to the Spirit, although it won’t be the same as having a spell or ritual done, the Spirits recognize a good heart of faith, hope and charity and are often willing to help as long as we show a sign of our good faith, by making an offering or sacrifice of some sort!

Until Next Time,

Keep the Faith,

Papa Hector