Reminder for Temple Members

Day of Kings Celebration Private event for Temple Members only. Reminder for initiates: Our service will be held at the temple on Saturday Jan 9th, 2015.  Contact Papa for further information.


PERSONAL POWER You already know what it is to not have it.    Things go wrong for you, you live in a cycle of constant repetition, you lack the ability to manifest opportunities for success and progress.  People step on you, walk all over you, you are unable to find...


Saturday December 5th, 2015 1 pm. Misa for the dead Dress code: All white Donations welcome Join in our celebration of the ancestral dead and all those who have moved on from this world. Ancestors are very important in all spiritual practices and traditions, they form...

Annual Anaisa Pye Ceremony

JULY 25TH, 2015 @ 3PM This year is no different, just as every other year, we are excited to announce and give the annual Anaisa Ceremony in honor of the Special Mystery of Love, Joy, Gold and Seduction!  For those of you who don’t already know, Anaisa is the...

White Table Mass/ Misa Espiritual – April 11th

On April 11th 2015, our temple will be hosting a Misa Espiritual, White table service/mass, and you are welcome to come join us. During a Misa Espiritual, Mediums communicate messages from Spirit Guides and ancestors to people in the congregation.  They help people...