Happy Summer Solstice from Papa Hector

Hello everyone and I wanna say Happy 2016 from me, Papa Hector, where it’s June 20th, we’re about halfway through the middle of the year, and I hope that you’ve been manifesting a lot of your goals, your dreams and your desires. And I hope that you’ve been able to achieve what it is you wanted to achieve this year.

I just wanted to do a check in with all of you guys, with all my subscribers, everyone who watches my videos, and let you know what’s been going on with me most of 2016. So, all of 2016 so far I’ve been doing a lot of travelling for spiritual work, doing initiations, house cleansings, removal of lots of negative spirits. It seems this year that we’ve had a lot of cases where there’s people that have negative spirits attached to them. It’s unfortunate but it’s true, and it’s unfortunate but it’s good that they finally came in and were finally able to find the help to get the negative spirits removed from them.

So we’ve been doing that, we had a number of ceremonies, we had a Gypsy Misa, we’ve had several others Misas so far within the year…I’ve done lots of workshops and new classes on mysticalwork.com, we’ve had a lot of testimonials come in this year. As everyone knows I only take a very limited number of cases each month so that being the case, we’ve gotten an awesome amount of testimonials – many testimonials so far for the point where we’re at it in this year already. So it’s really great.

We have the Three Keys to Power programme…myself as well as Priestess Shoshana have been working together to offer this really marvellous, really potent, powerful, strong course of information, of spiritual knowledge, for which you can use to change your life. And we’ve already started Round 1 of that programme, and we’ve actually had such a big response from it that we’re planning to have a Round 2. The year has been so busy that we had actually originally planned to start it by now, but we haven’t been really able to get that together in the schedule. So, looking forward to starting, you know, a second group of students going through the Three Keys to Power programme later on this year. And I will probably be mentioning that or talking about that further in other videos.

We have second year students who are doing marvellously with their work, as well as people have completed their second year of coursework this year and are now moving on to the third year. And they’ve made tonnes of growth, leaps and bounds of growth and it’s been really exciting to see them grow and change and find what they want in their life and also really delve deeply into the Sanse work which is really powerful work that really does change and transform lives.

So I’ve been to Holland this year, I’ve been to the Dominican Republic several times, anyone who’s worked with me or who knows me knows that for a certain type of magical work, certain type of spiritual work, we only do in the Dominican Republic, we only do in Haiti, because it’s stronger there, there are certain items, certain materials that we can only get there, there’s certain things we can only do there.

So I’ve done that, and I’ve made various other trips. I’ve been to New Orleans, I met a lot of great people, a lot of great new people in New Orleans, made connections with a lot of great friends of mine, other priests and priestesses that I’ve known for a long time, and got to enjoy spending time with them as well as going and doing ceremony and ritual with everyone.

So, that’s where I’ve been at all my year, and it’s really my intention to get as many videos out here as possible, to start making videos more regularly for y’all, and I know that…you wait on that, and I know that…I’ve been telling you that I’ve been trying to get more and more videos out here. It’s just been a crazy year! And hopefully it’s been a crazy good year for you too, because it’s been a crazy good year for me. And, yeah, that’s where we’re at with things.

So just to give you some thoughts and let you know what’s going on forward, leaping forward for this year, I’m gonna make the next video right after this one to talk about St. John the Baptist. St. John the Baptist is a really important spirit to me, and I would like to talk about him to you too so you can get to know who he is.

So that’s one and two, number three is that we just finished having a Misa, next month I’m really excited because, first of all, next month, for those of you who are really close to me, next month’s my birthday, so Happy Birthday to me…but more importantly, we have the Anaisa ceremony which is one of the biggest ceremonies that Sosyete Gade nou Leve – Gade nou Leve, ‘Watch Us Rise’ Temple Society – holds every year. And it’s one of our bigger, well-known ceremonies that we hold annually and we’ve been holding it annually for a lot of years, which I’m not even gonna try to count back at this point. So, ten plus years we’ve been having the annual Anaisa ceremony.

So I’m really excited, but I’m extra excited this year because I’m gonna be having my students, initiates, the members of the Temple, coming from all over the world! And we’re gonna be holding Temple member only workshops, Temple member only classes, Temple member only learning, rituals, and it’s gonna be a week of fun for me and the Temple members. And a lot of time for everyone to get to know each other, connect, spend time with each other and have lots of fun enjoying our spiritual work and, you know, talking! And getting to be with each other.

So I’m really excited about that and we have the big Anaisa ceremony coming on July 30th 2016 at 3pm at the Temple, and it will be no different than any other year except that I will have all my students – many of my students and many of my spiritual family members there present which makes it a really exciting time for me and I’m really excited to do that.

And August so far, we have possible marriage ceremonies coming up, we have spirit marriages, we have all kinds of good things coming through on the rest of the year. I hope to be able to do a video again to catch you up because really the thing about it is, number one, is it’s faster for me to do these videos for you and get you in the loop than it is for me to type everything out. Number two is that, I don’t really…the problem with me doing the videos and doing them regularly is that I like to do them here in the office, this is my office next to my altar room. And because of all the travel and how crazy it’s been, I haven’t gotten to do that. So I’m gonna see if I can start doing more videos, maybe on my phone or something.

And until next time, I hope that you’re enjoying the summer solstice, I hope that you’re enjoying this time, it’s finally getting warm here, hot enough to be considered hot. So I hope that you’re enjoying whatever weather pattern that you’re involved in at this point, and speak to you soon.

God bless.

Papa Hector