Kanzo in the US – Thoughts

This is a topic that I have been seeing discussed in other forums.  And I have a few things to say about this topic.

I have been to, seen and even assisted some Kanzos done here in the Us.  I have also heard some tales about some

Kanzos here in the US. 

To tell you the truth, some of them were very well done (done exactly as seen in Haiti), some were sloppily put

together, and I’ve seen some were done incorrectly all together.  Some people skipped steps, some didn’t.  Honestly,

though, I believe that those individuals who did the Kanzos incorrectly here would more than likely do the same even

in Haiti.

I have also asked the Question to many Houngans and Mambos in Haiti:  Can you do Kanzos outside of Haiti?

Unlike what some may think, as with many questions and things in Vodou, the answer is often varied.

Some say that they can be done only in Haiti.  Others say they can be done anywhere on Hispanola (Haiti or DR).  Yet

very many others still state that they can be done anywhere so long as the Regleman is being followed. 

Personally, I’ve seen Houngans and Mambos who were made in Haiti who have very little clue as to what to do in

Vodou, as well as Houngas and Mambos (made in the us) who were very knowledgable and skilled.  And vice versa as

well.  As such, made in Haiti or in the US, it is konnesans, ethics and following of proper regleman that is more

important to me and gains my respect as to the practices of Kanzoing in the US.

Our lineage still does our Kanzos in Haiti.  Personally, I prefer it this way and this is the way that I still do


However, I am also aware that “Chak Houngan, Chak Kay Li” and as the answers from above show you, that is certainly

the case. 

I am not against Kanzoing in the US so long as the proper regleman is being followed.  Speaking of myself, I have

kanzo’d in Haiti, and if I had the choice would do so again.  But that is what is for me.


Vodou has always been a very fluid tradition.  That is what has made us survive and prosper in all these years.   I

believe in evolution and progress, and if it is done in the proper manner, I respect it.  I know that there is no

reason a proper kanzo cannot be done here in the Us, I know because I’ve seen them done.

It is similair to the History of some of our Sister traditions.  Many Santero/as of my acquaintance, have attested

to the fact that at one point in time, many in Cuba stated that initiations must be done in Cuba in order to be

considered correct.  Over time, things changed and progressed, and to the point where we are today, where this

belief is generally unheard of (unless we are talking history) and more initiations into Santeria are done here than

in Cuba.

I believe in time, the same will happen in Haitian Vodou.  In fact, it is happening now as we speak.  I see more and

more Sosyetes turning to doing it this way, or offering this as an option. 

I also see less and less Houngans and Mambos who say it cannot be done, and more who are accepting it as legitamate

(even if they don’t or are unwilling to do it themselves).  Those who seem obsessed with the idea of not doing it

here in the states are often those who benefit most from doing it in Haiti, seeing as they are unable to obtain  the

proper resources here to do it.

And as far as getting the proper ingredients in the proper way, I have seen it done here in the US.  It can be done.

There are pros and cons to each side of the case, but ultimately it is something that you must decide for yourself.

Just some of my thoughts for you to ponder on . . .

Love to hear some of yours . . .
Houngan Hector