The Lave Tet ceremony is one of the most powerful, life changing, transformational ceremonies that a person can undergo.   Lave Tet means to wash the head and being that your head is the seat of your person, there is nothing like it.  I have conducted, participated and assisted in dozens of Lave Tet ceremonies and enjoyed seeing people grow, progress and be able to manifest a new existence due to it’s power.

I hope you are having an exciting 2016!  This year has been a very busy whirlwind for me, it has been so exciting with many new things happening and much traveling this year!

Well, it’s been a long long time . . . and people have been begging me to offer it, to do it, and well, it’s finally here!   And so, I want to make sure that everyone who has been asking me and wanting one from me, gets to know.

Gade Nou Leve Society will be holding a Lave Tet this September 2016!

If you don’t know what a Lave Tet is, you can learn about it here.

If you do, and you want to take this chance to get in . . . email Soley at

Because the honest truth is . . .

It may be quite some time before I offer another one publicly like this.

If you are someone who is just starting on working on your spiritual development, or you need a really intense strong spiritual cleansing, or you want to get your life set straight . . . this is very likely the ceremony you need!

There are a few requirements however in order to be able to participate in this beautiful, intense and clarifying ceremony, and they are:

  1.  You must have a consultation with me and the Spirits.  You can order one of those here: Spiritual Consultation
  2. This ceremony is done in person and requires 4 days, but you will need to be here for almost 5.
  3.  You understand that if you are undergoing this ceremony for your spiritual development and to begin the path of Vodou, you need to make a commitment to your Spirits, yourself and your development.
  4.  Understand that although Lave Tet is a wonderful ceremony, and most people can undergo it, Lave Tet is not for everyone and in some cases, may not be appropriate.  This is why having the Spiritual consultation is a necessary first step.

Once you are Lave Tet, you are eligible to apply for Membership into our Society.