Bonswa La Sosyete,

I wish you all a Happy Fete Gede, a Happy Thanksgiving and a successful month of November. 

Soon we will be moving into the month of December.  And as you may or may not be aware, spiritually December is considered a ‘hot’ month, it is the month of Petro!  It is also the time of year when Vodouisants and Sosyetes, alike, reheat and restrengthen their Gads and Protective Lwa. 

There are many important dates in December.  And many Misterios and Lwa served within the month.    Throughout the month, we will be discussing a variety of topics . . . So please stay tuned, more on that later.

We serve the Petro to protect us spiritually and physically from evil and malicious attacks.    But, they are also the patrons of Powerful Vodou (Voodoo) magic, wanga (spells) and healing well known for their abilities to resolve large problems at lightning speeds. 

During this time, many people will have gads Administered or Reheated.  This is very important, especially in these troubled times, as it serves to keep you well protected. 

If you would like to read more about what a Gad is, you can read more about the Gad ceremonies here:
If you are interested in having a Gad administered or Reheated during this ceremony, contact my secretary here: 

Subject Line:  Gad or Reheat Gad

This year, Gade Nou Leve Vodou Society will be hosting a Petro Ceremony and reheating all of our own protections and Gads and welcome you to come join us. . .
When:  December 11th, 2010 at 3pm
Where:  Berlin, NJ  (contact us for further details)
What to wear:  Bright or colorful clothing
What to bring:  Many people like to bring gifts for various Lwa such as cigars, rum, florida water, money or flowers.
Please contact my Secretary at

Make sure to put in the Subject Line :

Petro Ceremony Information Request 

See you there,
Houngan Hector