Initiation into Sanse is one of the Most Powerful Rites of Passage into the Mystical Journey of the Spiritual World.


papa hector sanse altar

It’s ability to Transform and Enrich the Life of the Individual undergoing the ceremony is absolutely awe inspiring.  It is a beautiful, intricate yet simple ceremony that aligns a person with his Main Mystery and forges and strengthens the bond between the two.

In all the years working with the Spirits and helping people, I have been blessed to administer and give the ceremony to many many people.  It’s ability to match a person and give a person just what they need is unparalleled.

Yet even more amazing is the beautiful and miraculous changes that people report back and I am blessed to be a witness of and often participate in.

This Initiation blesses and gives you the ability to tap into that Divine Power that you were born with to create change, peace, harmony and progress in your life.

The Truth is . . . Nothing changes by itself.

spiritual force floods altar space during initiation

This is your chance to change it.

If you are interested or think you are ready to take this powerful Step, the first step is to have a consultation.  You can book one here and Soley will schedule our appointment.  (I suggest at minimum a 25 minute consultation)

Look, I am going to be totally Honest, Spaces are Really Limited.

And I have a number of People already getting ready to try to reserve these spots.  Some spots are already spoken for and have been reserved.

That’s Why I am putting this here this far in advance.

Because if you really want to change your life, If you need a whole 360 turn around, then Initiation may be the right answer for you . . . . If you’re blocked, stuck, unable to progress . . . . If you need some of the highest degree of Spiritual Protection available. . . . there are many reasons that this particular Initiation can be called for.

So I want to give you a chance to claim a spot before there are just none left . . .

But I got to tell you, this is not for everyone and I’m quite selective . …. . . because Real Power is not for everyone.  Everyone can’t handle it.

The First Step is to have a Spiritual Consultation.  You can Order One Here


Papa Hector


Many people have been waiting for this opportunity, and in fact, we’ve already discussed it.  You’ve just been waiting to get the dates.  If that’s you, email Soley so that we can get your spot reserved.