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My aunt used to always say to me–

“You will find out, there are very few “spiritual” people who are actually spiritual” . . . .

And unfortunately it is all too true.  I didn’t like it, and I don’t like it, but it is very true.  As we always say, many are called but few are chosen.

Nowadays, I see it going on more and more.  Although from time to time, I do see things that give me glimmers of hope for some.  It is when Spiritual people bash each other.  It is one of the very few things that I find disturbing and upsets me.

As Spiritual People, I believe, that we are already in a minority, and as such we should not be bashing each other especially over silly things such as jealousy, greed, envy, etc.  But it happens very often.  Personally, I think that no minority should ever bash another minority.  I don’t believe that people should speak ill of anyone at all, but especially in the above case.

Because by being a minority yourself, you should already know what it feels like to be discriminated against, therefore you should know better than to do it unto others.  You should consider yourselves one with all others, especially those who are undergoing similar circumstances to your own.    Doing unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Very often the source of the negative talk however lies simply with jealousy.  Whether that jealousy be over attention, clients, number of clients, godchildren or whatever.

And if there is some truth to some negative speak about someone, as a Spiritual individual you should not spread it.  And you should have the strength of character to ask and confront the individual directly.  As my grandmother always said . . . Communicating is how people learn to understand each other . . . .

There are other situations in which negative talk goes on . . . .

Such as with traditions and Religions.  Some Spiritual people tend to think they are above another or better than another.  However if such a person was actually spiritual they would realize that there are many paths to the Divine, and no one path is superior than another, just a different way to get to the same place.

Some people have the misconception that one religion or tradition is more powerful or stronger than another.  This is also untrue.  The fact is a person will reach their true potential and spiritual potential when they are on the proper path with the proper teacher.

Some “spiritual” people believe that true knowledge, understanding and information should only be given to individuals of a specific background or culture.  This is a very common one unfortunately and I see it all too often.  This actually speaks volumes about that person as an individual more than anything else.  A truly Spiritual person knows that this not only not true, but is also a technique/tactic used by non advanced Spiritualists to hold others behind.

Some “spiritual” people knowingly do things that are wrong spiritually to others, sometimes for no real rhyme or reason.  This is just plain vulgar, offensive and disrespectful.

Some “spiritual” people initiate or give attunements to others with no intention for the person to ever be self sufficient.  This is wrong, they create a dependancy and use this to their advantage.

Really . . . . I could go on and on  but I think you get the idea . . . .

Before pointing the finger at someone else, always look at yourself first and make sure that you are right with everything that you are doing in your life . . ..


Papa Hector


