Do you need to help speed things along?  Are you working towards a goal and progress seems to be as slow as molasses?  Tired of waiting?

Do you ever wonder when the waiting will end?

St Expedite is the Patron of many things, but most importantly he is the patron of moving things along faster and getting things progressing!  Just like his name says , he is known for his ability to Expedite Solutions and results.

If your situation’s progress has

Been blocked
Stopped in its tracks
Been hit by delay after delay
Been detained by others
Is being hindered

St Expedite can help you turn things around and get things moving ….

And finally

Here is your chance to do it

In honor of his feast this year, I’m offering you an opportunity to get things moving forward, faster and better than ever before with a special Powerful Expeditious Ceremony. So that you too can reap the benefit and experience his lightning fast assistance.

If you have a situation that has been slow moving, dragging it’s feet and slowly progressing. Now is the time to put some fire under it and speed into the situation.

The last time we did a ceremony for him my email box was overflowing with testimonials and Thank Yous on how fast people received their results.

People reported getting movement and progress in situations that had been stuck for weeks, months. . . even Years!

It was absolutely insane….

One lady testified  how she was finally able to win a lawsuit after years of being at a standstill.

Another finalized a divorce that had been going on for more than a year ….

One guy got a job just in time as his unemployment was about to run out… and after months of searching unsuccessfully

And on and on I regularly get testimonials from those who participated….

So if you missed out last time here is your chance to finally get things rolling and moving with St. Expedite. . . .

I only have a few spots left and it is this Saturday, April 22, 2017 at 3 pm . . . so the deadline to get in is Saturday morning if there are any spots left.   So click here to speed up your solutions

Papa Hector

PS- If you already got in on the ceremony, Congrats! I am making a special offering today, St Expedite’s Official Feast Day, for all those who already took advantage of this powerful opportunity.   On Saturday, your ceremonial work will be done.