Spiritual Growth-
spiritual Growth is something that we as spiritual people should be constantly seeking. To become better, wiser,
and to develop continually as better and better individuals.
Unfortunately, all too often we (as people in general) get caught up in many other things, and many other things
often come in the way of spiritual growth and progress. Daily life is often taxing, and we have many
However, as spiritual people, we must strive to continually make the time and effort that needs to be made to make
this goal a reality.
Along with spiritual growth comes change. Many often feel threatened or draw more within themselves when change
happens . . . and although this may make you feel comfortable, it doesn’t really resolve the situation. Embracing
the change will lead you to a greater place and a wiser place.
In all this, I am not saying that spiritual growth is easy or fast. Quite the opposite, it is alot of work. Many
seeking the spiritual path are looking for short cuts. Or a miracle pill that cures all the ills. But this is not
so, this is not the way things work.
Spiritual growth, ability, and power doesn’t mean that you will never face a problem, trial or tribulation. In
fact, as you know, growth often involves growing pains. Some of the problems, trials and tribulations that you face
are huge blessings: Opportunities for you to grow spiritually, physically, mentally and gain a huge amount of
wisdom, power and understanding.
If you take into account, most of the world’s most reknowned and followed Spiritual Leaders faced great opposition,
underwent huge trials, and had more than their fair share of tribulations. They did not allow this things to make
them weaker, but used them to make themselves stronger, wiser and more spiritually connected beings.
This is for you, my fellow Vodouisant. If you are expierencing some type of trial, tribulation, do not give up.
Trust in God and Ginen, for they are with you and because of that, and because you know that they will see you out
of any situation safely and marvelously. Trust me, I know that.
Houngan Hector