When we start connecting with the Mysteries, either as the client of a spiritual

worker or in our own personal service, amazing things happen. Life is changed

for the better as the Spirits get to work on our problems, and people will often

find that long-term obstacles preventing them from moving forward in life

have been cleared.

The Lwa are true miracle-workers. Things that seemed unobtainable in the

past become possible under their guidance, though perhaps not via the route

that was expected (Spirit moves in mysterious ways). Most people who have

been working with the Lwa for some time will have stories to tell you, and I

personally would not be here if it were not the Spirits that walk with me under

the light of God, gracias a la misericordia!

That said, the spiritual world is never going to hand everything over to you on a


Some people are confused these days. They expect everything to be given

quickly and freely with no work on their part. They demand a miracle, yet

invest nothing. I’m not only talking about money. I’m talking about effort, time,

dedication, even things like personal presentation and self-improvement.

Spiritual work does not negate the requirement for any of the above.

Put as simply as possible: if you don’t give, you won’t receive, and if you’re not

open to change, change cannot happen in your life (and if it does come, it

won’t last).

Our work as spiritual people is called work – travay in Haiti, trabajo in the DR –

for a reason. Whether you are the client of a spiritual worker or a child of the

Mysteries, you cannot expect opportunity to simply fall in your lap without

investing anything yourself. In fact, the more work you put in, the more you

will get out.

Let me give you an example. Let’s say you are searching for a job, and you

approach Papa Kouzen (a Mystery well known for finding people work), and

you have done what needs to be done to invoke his aid. Is the work now over?

Of course not! Papa Kouzen will send you the opportunities you desire, but if

you do not grasp them with both hands, you will never get that job. You still

have to send in the application forms, you still have to make an effort during

your interview. Approached in the correct manner, Papa Kouzen will certainly

help you, but you will not simply wake up one day to find yourself employed.

You have to do the paperwork.

Here is another example. Let’s say you have employed a spiritual worker to

help you find a romantic partner. During the initial consultation (and this is

why an initial consultation is so important!) the Spirits have identified that you,

yourself, are the cause of some of the blockages to your love life and that

there are certain things that you must do to clear them. You cannot then

expect to find a partner without doing that work on yourself. The Mysteries

may send Mr or Mrs Right straight over to you, but if you are standing with

your back to them, arms crossed you cannot expect to find a date any time


As a Lwa once told me, “I’m a saint, but even I’m not a saint.” None of us is

perfect and we all have issues we need to address. We also all have something

called freedom of choice. This means we have the opportunity in life to take or

leave our chances as they come. We can certainly ask the Mysteries for advice

on which road to take, and we can also ask them for help getting to our chosen

destination. But we are the ones who walk the road, our actions (and

inactions) are no one’s responsibility but our own, and we cannot blame

anyone but ourselves if the journey’s end is not to our liking.

The Spirits are patient, but they are only going to send an opportunity so many

times. If you have asked the Lwa for help, keep your eyes open, and don’t

reject it when it comes. And if you do choose to reject it, don’t complain when

you don’t get what you want.

Yes, miracles happen. But opportunity knocks.