Anaisa Pye….Some Facts

Anaisa is one of the most beloved amongst the Mysteries and always for good reason. A while back, I was having a talk with some fellow Caballos de Misterios, Papa Bokos and Mama Mambos….you know, smoking for Baron and shooting the breeze as they say … Here...
Prayers to Anaisa

Prayers to Anaisa

PRAYERS TO ANAISA PYE QUEEN OF LOVE AND GOLD IN THE 21 DIVISIONES   As a response to a request that we received here, I have put up the prayers that are for St. Anne, which is the Saint associated with Anaisa Pye.  Anaisa Pye is a very popular Misterio of the 21...

Annual Anaisa Pye Ceremony

JULY 25TH, 2015 @ 3PM This year is no different, just as every other year, we are excited to announce and give the annual Anaisa Ceremony in honor of the Special Mystery of Love, Joy, Gold and Seduction!  For those of you who don’t already know, Anaisa is the...
Mani For Anaisa Pye

Mani For Anaisa Pye

    Thank you all for coming! This past Saturday, we had the Ceremony (Mani para Anaisa Pye) for Anaisa Pye. It turned out lovely and I would like to thank everyone who showed up. We had plenty of food and drink, a good time overall, and there were many many Lwa who...