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Hey All,
I am back. This is Papa Hector. I am here to teach you more about Psychic Stuff, your future, Medium ship and everything else that has to do with spell casting, spiritualism, Sanse, Vodou. And today what I want to discuss is a very important topic to discuss because that is something heavily misunderstood by people who are not in the spiritual development or working towards spiritual development.
Ok, so it’s your future. I wrote it a bit crazy here (demonstrating something in the video) as I wanted you to see what I am about to do here because this is some real stuff that people really aren’t’t going to give to you and people don’t really explain this to you and is something that would take you a little while to learn on your own .
Now when it comes to your future, then you as a human being what differentiates you and makes you so special as a person is that you have the power of choice and you have the power of free will. Now when we are doing spells, what we are doing is we are affecting free will and choices and everything else and we are influencing things but what I want to get into before that is your life, ok?
So your life for a psychic or a spiritual worker is almost like the best way I can describe is a map, ok and what you have is a whole bunch of roads. Each of this lines represent roads and paths that one can take, you understand? That one can take in life and when you come to the psychic, spiritual worker, the medium, the healer, the spiritual worker whoever it is that you should go to. You are lets say right here. On this road, on this path you are here. This is you, ok? That’s where you are at.
Right here you are at a cross road due to a certain situation or certain topic or path in your life, ok? And the spiritual worker sees a number of paths that are possible to be taken. This is what a Psychic sees. This is what the future consists of. Let’s say, back here is your path or your past (your past path). This is where you have already walked and you have already traversed on the map, Ok? These are things you have already done, Ok? This is where you have already been before in your past.
This when a psychic worker or reader sees it is very consistent. This is what it is, it is the past and it is something that has already happened. There is not much that can be changed about it. It is the future that we are going to discuss, right? So that is what a lot of us will see first and that is what is going to show you that there is a good connection with your psychic or medium or spiritual worker. They should be able to give you some details about your past and what is going on with your situation, your past and your case.
Now the future though presents itself as a number of roads and when a psychic or medium sees the future for you what they see is actually the road most likely to be taken. The most likely road that you can take as a person and let’s say in your particular case that might be this road going straight up. It is that red line which is going straight up. But as a human being and as a person, you have choices in life. That is one of the beauties of being human. You have free will and that is something that GOD granted to you to be able to make choices and decisions as to where you want your life and path to head. Now as you can see, as you walk up into the map of your future there continues to be more and more paths and roads that can be taken. What the psychic is seeing is that what is it that is most likely to occur or happen and what is the most likely path. But as a person you have the power to control your life. You are the key in your life. You are in the driver’s set of your life and that is one of the beauties that GOD gave to us as human being. That means you have choices and decisions that you can make to change the path that you are heading on and other things that you can do to change the path that you are headed on. So depending on what you choose, even though a psychic sees that you are most likely to take the path that say is going straight up there and through here, you have choices. So if you choose to go somewhere along this path or deviate from this path where the most energy shows for you to travel, you can deviate and travel. This is one of the reasons why we have spells to begin with. You can choose a different path and deviate and go towards another goal, say your heart. Lets assume that the heart (on the diagram) is the goal that you want to reach and by the choices and decision in life you can change the path that you want to take in life and also change the direction of your life and also the direction of life’s of people around you.
This is why the future is something that a lot psychic will tell you is not set in stone. It is something that is changeable and on each of these paths no matter which one you take, there are different things that you are going to come across on these paths. There are other people in life who are also taking this path. So that is going to be another topic because I want to do a video soon about love spells and paths in life.
Now what you have to understand is that there are paths in life and the psychic sees the most likely path but that does not mean that you cannot choose to change the path in your life and change the path that you are headed on and depending on your choices and decisions even if you want to traverse the most likely path and you are making choices and decisions and doing things in your life that is contradicting the path that you want to walk, it will most likely set you on different places in the path and also take you off the path.
Now along this entire path we have to also take into consideration that with every path no matter where it is, some are going to have more obstacles (represent by the letter O) or blockages (represented by the letter B) compared to the other paths. Those obstacles or blockages can make getting to an end goal, say a financial upliftment more difficult. Now say you are traversing the path where there is going to be lots of obstacles, it may take you a lot longer to get there. And depending again on the choices and decisions that you make will depend on how fast you can get to the end goal and where you will end up at. Your life is all about choices. That is GOD’s gift to you in the form of free will and he has given it to everyone else as well.
Now along with these obstacles there will also be shortcuts. One way to a shortcut is sometimes through spell work or spiritual work. There will be early ways, there will be detours This detours have to be made sometimes in order to get where one needs to go. So I hope now you understand how the future works because what this means is when you get a psychic reading, you can choose whether or not you want to accept the path that has been predicted to you in the future. You can start to make choices or decisions and make proper steps towards the goal where you want to reach and when a psychic tells you the future, it is not set in stone.
Now if a psychic tells you that you are going to get a job in 6 months from now, this is what they are seeing that does not mean that necessarily that it is set in stone. Other things can come in your path. And to give you a clue and an example there are other people on these paths. Let’s say you are told that you will be working at a bank six months from now. To get to where you are now (say point A) and to the job at the bank (say point B) you take a longer path. Say you cross path with Job Loe and Job Loe is working on this path and say he cuts you off here. Here is where you guys cross paths and the two of you meet and Job Loe provides you with an opportunity or a chance or a different type of job that you can take. Maybe he is the hiring manager at a retail store. So he shows you the opportunity and tells you about the opportunity and you make the choice to take up on that opportunity. So instead of continuing to traverse down this path, where you would have been you start going down this path with Job Loe and then you head up this way and that way, etc.
So you can choose to change paths in life and so the psychic is telling you what path they see what they see is that at this time, in the current moment, in the present if you continue the way you are going and the energies continue developing the way they are going this is the way that things will lead within a certain whatever time period. So that is where it is going to lead. However, you can make choice and decisions on this path, and other people can make choices and decisions on this path or you can meet obstacles and blockages on this path and this can change the way the path has been set up and you instead of taking the original path, there are plenty of options or paths for a person to change paths or courses in their life. So the future is never set in stone and that is part of the reasons why we are able to do spells because a psychic may see that you know this is the most likely path and say it is not a job getting but maybe it is some sort of loss of work that is coming here. That is where you are headed, to loose your job.
Spells or magic can help influence other people as well as influence your path so instead when you get here you go this way instead of that way and by going this way let’s say your job is secure.
So this is very important to understand otherwise you may become disappointed with these spiritual things because you might think that things are set in stone but they are not and it is very important that our choices and decisions and our actions all support the goal that we are trying to reach.
I hope this has helped you in some form, shape or way. I hope that all the spirits may guide you and protect you I will speak with you soon. GOD BLESS.
